Hiring Interns

Hiring good interns has become an intrinsic part of any startup's growth path today. With all startups wanting to cut excess fat and wanting to keep their setup as lean as possible, hiring interns is the way forward.

Interns are generally hired directly from University and work on a host of projects such as a new product launch, generating content for the website/blog, marketing campaign, doing backend work etc. I found this interesting infographic on yourstory.com on what the typical day of an intern looks like.

The benefits of hiring interns to a company include

Testing before Confirming: Though a lot of interns are given full time positions in most companies, the companies get to test them out before offering them these positions. Internships work as a 'try before you buy' kind of a situation for the company.

Cheaper: Interns are paid much less than full time employees of the company, thereby reducing the costs for the company.

Thus it makes it imperative for companies to have a solid internship programme. Also companies should look at the following techniques to get good quality interns.

Internships Portal: A lot of portals have come up in this space. Companies should establish a good presence on them to get visibility amongst the pool of people looking for internships.

Links with Universities: Companies must develop good links with leading Universities not only for recruiting full time employees, but also for getting best interns from them.

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